
February 7, 2012


my twins 

turned 14 yesterday.

too fast, it's going. 

much too fast

but so proud of 
the young women they are becoming.

grateful they still don't mind 
a mom-hug 
in front of friends.

not sure how i feel about our 
grand ability to share clothes and shoes.
triple the loot,
triple the wear.

love that they still end each phone call
with a
"love you, bye"

forever grateful they still want my opinion...

couldn't have hand picked better girls.

happy birthday,


  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful twins! It does go by way too fast!

  2. Happy Birthday! You are blossoming in to gorgeous young ladies. I showed Cami your picture on FB and her comment was, "they are so pretty." More importantly they are two of the nicest, most gracious, generous, and loving teenage girls I know. Great job mom and dad! I hope you had a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday ladies!
    And Mama!
    You are all so insiring to me.
    Can't imagine when my own girl is 14, but I wouldn't mind if she turned out like you.
    Love from,

  4. Happy birthday ladies, you are lovely!
    Warm hugs to you both from Brasil.

  5. Happy Birthday girls!! What an exciting time in your lives. Oh, and tell mom...I'm jealous she can share your clothes!!


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