
March 22, 2010

Spring is Definitely Upon Us...

Remember when my posts looked more like this?

This is that same snow covered tree.

What a change.

I have to say, moving from the West Coast to the East Coast has brought many changes.
And although we supposedly had an historic winter,
it really wasn't bad. In fact, quite the opposite.
It was new.
It was intense.
It was exciting.

Now we are already into spring.
It's a bit of a rainy day, but the blooms are in full force.
The changes are beautiful, quick and wondrous.

I took a couple of photos this morning before the bulk of the rain.
This is what I found...

The blooms on our hydrangea bush off our front patio
letting us know they are coming...

the amazing view off one of our balconies

Since moving the east coast, this is becoming one of my favorite things...
The Seasons.

San Diego is beautiful...year round.
The four seasons are proving to be welcome change.

Next on the agenda,
checking out the cherry blossoms in the District.

I can't wait.

Thanks for stopping in.
Let me know YOUR thoughts on what the seasons mean to you...


  1. Wendy, glad you are enjoying a different climate. I love seasons! Of course Spring and Summer are my favorites. No matter how much I take in the seasonal changes, it seems like I am always awed by them again, year after year. Our cherry blossoms have been in full force for the past 2 weeks, gorgeous! Magnolias too (my favorite). Best season for me is when I can go barefoot and have windows wide open! Coming soon I am sure.

  2. Wow how beautiful. I must admit, I sometimes long for a chance to experience real seasons. But I am terrified at the same time. I have never lived anywhere but So Cal. I wonder if I could really do it. It looks like you've done an amazing job adjusting and really soaking up the new things.
    My favorite season is spring and early summer. I love it when things are blooming and starting to grow. I love having my windows open and especially early morning when the sun is streaming in. The world is just so beautiful right now.


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