
March 31, 2011

Corona Del Mar Beach House

Remember this post?
Hayvenhurst Estate in California?

I was pretty sure this was
my ultimate dream home.

Decor fit to a tee...

Not so fast, hot stuff.

We have some competition.

A bit more cozy,
and on the beach.

Grab a tissue,
this is totally drool worthy.

I love that outdoor living.

Feel that breeze?

Don't think I don't see you, Mr. Dutch Door.

I know, kitchen is a bit quaint.

But oh so doable.

Should I just park my bike right here?

All photos courtesy of
HOM Real Estate Group

Do I tell a lie?

Let's hear it...

March 30, 2011

Dutch Door Love

I know it's not Eye Candy Friday,

but couldn't wait.

Tell me you aren't drooling like I am?

Happy Thursday

Traditional Home

White + Gold

This Old House


House Beautiful

Wardrobe Wednesday: Fuzzy Pictures of Gap Denim

Let me start off with an apology,
well, two apologies rather.

no post yesterday.

fuzzy pictures.

Operator Error.
(I say that a lot don't I?)

What does that tell you?

Needless to say,
here it is.

Fuzzy galore...

Jeans: Gap Denim, sweater: Targ,
clogs: DSW

Sad but true...

fuzzy Wednesday.

But thanks for being here.

March 28, 2011

Emergency Room Weekend: Operation Pain Management

For all of those out there
who have issues with sitting in the dentists chair,
this one is for you.

After a long, painful, torturish weekend
(yes, it did include one trip to ER for high end pain killers,
which didn't really work like I thought)

Went in for an

Root Canal

this morning.

Thank goodness for the friends I have
who offered to drive me
who called to check in on my pain level
who brought dinner over for my family
who texted me when they couldn't be there
who celeberated with me when it was over and said "You did it!"

These are the people who make me rich.

I think about these people as I skip around
knowing that I just walked through
one of my biggest fears on earth.

I conquered a fear today dating back as long as I knew what "root canal" meant.
All in all, wasn't bad.
I did get some good advice prior.
"See a respected endodontist...they are the specialists."

Dr. Nick,
you were right.
Thanks for the phone call.

I'm taking a nap now.
But wanted to share with you my riches.

Let me know if you need the name of a good
endodontist in the DC area.
My guy's the best!

That was my Monday.
How was yours?

March 24, 2011

Swim Suit Season: Uh Oh

Whatever you do


try on suits
at Targ
under florescent lighting
before your body
has seen the light of day
and is a lovely pasty white.

Just saying...

Here is my


Calvin Klein

J Crew

Retro To Go

Canice Swanepoel 2011

Are you ready?

Best Part of the Day

back to
project teenager

Here is another
Team Brookes
we use to combat

Best Part of the Day

This is a little ditty
we started many
dinners ago.

When the girls go through the
ups and downs of,
let's see,
being girls.

We gather together as a family
at our beloved
dinner table.

We go around the table,
starting with the coveted
Daughter of the Week
(See how this system works, here)

We ask the simple question:

"What was your best part of the day?"

DOW gets first dibs to share
and everyone's attention.

She is the first to take the floor.

We listen.

Team Brookes in the making.


(This is mom's way of secretly trying to
highlight the positive...
while letting mom and dad get a sneak peek
into the girls day)

This is something
we do nightly
at dinner

We started this when the girls were

You should, too.
It's a good habit that the kids are used to,
so when they hit teen-dome,
they won't balk at mom's corny idea.

I know.
It's dorky.
But we are dorky.

Who couldn't use a little feel good
chit chat with the fam?

Gotta keep connected as they
grow older,
and more fiesty.

How do YOU stay connected with your kids
in the crazy world we live in?

Would love to know.

March 23, 2011

Wardrobe Wednesday: The Soccer Mom

yes, I am.

A soccer mom,
that is.

And pretty darn proud of it.

But that doesn't always mean
mom jeans

and these

Here is my version

Jeans: Gap, Button down: Targ,
Striped shirt, Targ,

shoes: Privo by Clarks

What does YOUR soccer outfit look like?

March 22, 2011

Kitchen Love: Open Shelving

Not sure why
I have kitchen shelving
on the brain,
but I do.


Pure Style Home


House Beautiful
