August 19, 2011

what pumps you up?

every get inspired 

 by a photo?

a quote?
this is me getting


as i set out to 
charlotte, nc
the two wee ones
to play in their first preseason
u14 soccer tourney.

hope 'kick boot' solo

 brandi making the black sports bra
the new thing



  1. Thanks for following us! I loved your comment ;)xo Doro

  2. this inspires me to go to the gym today! and i need to cuz I just had a burger for lunch- so great timing I just came across your post haha :D

  3. I am inspired by my almost 50 year old(next month) husband's 6 pack abs. and the incredible women athletes I play beach volleyball with. Good luck Tata and Tessie in your tourney!

  4. I am inspired by my soon to be 93 year old mil, who still cuts her own grass!

  5. Hi there!! I'm your new follower!! Thanks for following me and hopefully I can inspire you like you have already inspired me here!! :)

    I love the PowerBar billboard!!! That's awesome!! Music can really get me motivated to get moving and I can feel the intensity come on if the song is really a good one!! :)

  6. I'm inspired by Darra Torres. It is amazing to me that someone just a little bit older than me has a body that amazing!

    I think it's time to get my butt off the couch!


  7. Hi Wendy! Thank you for your finding my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. Oh boy, do you reckon if we train hard enough we can look like these girls? Good inspiration to go put my runners on, I reckon!


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